Name: Fred A. Poett

Rank/Classification: Spec. 4 (E-4)

Service Date: September 1965 – August 1967

Duty Stations: 29th APU Attached to the 7th Medical EVAC Darmstadt, Germany APO 09175

Salvation Testimony

I was saved at the age of 20 on September 4th, 1965 in the Pastor’s office at Terre Haute Bible Center.  I was religious but lost before that day.  As a young man growing up our family would attend different churches.  Since we were too poor to afford a car, we would either ride a church bus or someone would take us in their car.  I thought that since I wasn’t a real bad person, that my good would outweigh my bad.  Romans 3:23, Isaiah 64:6

        But, thank God for a godly mother who would not only pray for my brother, sisters, and myself, but lived the Christian life in front of us.  Often she would encourage each of us to put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour.  I didn’t think about death or eternity while growing up, but my father died when I was 13 years old.

        A few weeks before he died a godly preacher visited our house and led my dad to Christ.  I remember thinking at the time that it would be nice to get saved just before one dies, but of course, one never knows when he or she will die.

        After I graduated from high school I began working with the intent of making some money, buying a car, and enjoying life.  Our family was attending Terre haute Bible Center Church.  When the preacher would preach on Hell, and the importance of trusting Christ as one’s personal Saviour, the Holy Spirit would speak to my heart, but I kept putting it off.  I knew that I needed to be saved but I figured I had plenty of time to take care of it.

        Our country was at war in Vietnam.  Some of my friends were already serving in the military and some of those were serving in Vietnam.  Also, two of my former classmates had been killed in Vietnam.  In 1965 I received a letter from the U. S. Government informing me that I had been drafted into the army.  To say I was scared would be putting it mildly.

        My mother again encouraged me to trust in the Lord.  I began asking myself, “What if I do get sent to Vietnam?  What if I get killed?  Where will I spend eternity?”  My mother encouraged me to talk to the pastor.  On September 4th, I sat down with the pastor and he showed me from the Scriptures how I could be saved.  That night a religious person on his way to Hell became a child of God on his way to heaven by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour.  Praise God.  I have never regretted becoming a Christian.  I only regret that I didn’t get saved sooner.

        Though I have not always been faithful to the Lord, He has always been faithful.  When I sin and ask for forgiveness He is faithful and just to forgive me.  The Lord has given me more than I could ever ask for:  a wonderful wife of 37 years, two daughters and their husbands, and eight grandchildren.

        The Lord has allowed me to serve him in various capacities for the past 41 years, and all of the praise, honor and glory goes to Him who alone is worthy to be praised.  If you have not trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, please do so before it is too late.

 Veterans at Blessed Hope Baptist Church

Blessed Hope Baptist Church •  9251 N. State Road 59 • Jasonville, IN 47438
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